Nature-based Solution for an integrated and resilient management of the urban water system: the case study of the municipality of Salt
This paper shows research based on the application of an experimental investigation model, oriented to the systemic evaluation of scientific contents relating to the management of urban rainwater by Nature-based Solutions (NbS). The model recognizes, also according to the case study on which it is developed (Barri del Mass Masò, Girona), the definition of a unitary and multi-systemic vision of the domains of adaptation to climate change and prevention of urban flooding. These occur about the morpho-functional contexts of the city fabric and the areas belonging to the settlement system. In urban planning, this information is useful at different scales of representation and can be spatialized according to the management and sustainable use of rainwater. The main goal is to facilitate the recognition of environmental and physical-morphological correlations between exogenous and endogenous factors, characterizing the effectiveness of NbS in the mitigation of hydraulic risk, namely: climate change, planning processes and urban governance models. The experiment supports planning systems with an analysis model capable of recognizing risks by processing UWS replicable logical models. The research also makes it possible to evaluate different hydraulic performances of the urban context and to relate them to the capacity and flows of the ecosystem services present.

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