Proceedings of National Conference "Re-thinking the city", Benevento 4th april 2009
città, futuro, storiaAbstract
The crisis of the city –industrial society and post-industrial society has opened a field of observation on the new possible directions to follow in the politics of planning to remedy the many evils that humble settlements and the settled today. Hence the choice of a growing number of members of the scientific community working in the field of urban planning to invert their goals based on the quality of life which tends to privilege what is small over what is big and what is simple over what is complex seeking for the “effect town” rather than the “effect city”. Thus from what has been premised comes the choice of finding an area for comparison within the context of the Campanian Region, for “Re-thinking the City Today”, a middle-sized center (Benevento) and a minor center (Torrecuso) rather than Naples and its so-called “metropolitan area”.

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