Smart Mobility and Elderly People. Can ICT Make the City More Accessible for Everybody?


  • Rosaria Battarra National Research Council Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies Naples
  • Floriana Zucaro Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (Dicea), University of Napoli Federico II
  • Maria Rosa Tremiterra Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (Dicea), University of Napoli Federico II



Elderly, Smart Mobility, Italian Cities


The ageing population is a phenomenon whose relevance grows over time and quickly spreads in different territorial contexts. Therefore, cities will have to take into account the ageing population and define policies and strategies to improve the quality of life. For this purpose is particularly remarkable the transport sector because it allows to use the urban services and to promote an active ageing. Within the field of urban studies aimed at facing the new challenges related to social developments, including that of the ageing population, the Smart City paradigm has been spread to make cities safe, accessible and sustainable. The strategies to improve accessibility and safety of the mobility system using ICTs can have positive impacts in terms of ensuring elderly people the ability to lead an autonomous life and participate actively in society according to one’s individual needs. In this framework, the aim of the paper is to analyse how Italian cities are declining the topic of Smart Mobility, with particular attention to the use of new technologies to improve the elderly trips. The paper attempt to show that in the sample of Italian cities analysed the ICTs applied to the transport sector do not fully realize their potential; this is not due to the limited fields of application, but rather to the lack of a “system-orientated” perspective when applying innovations. The adoption of a smart approach cannot be limited to a market-induced uncritical introduction of devices or sensors, instead, it will be necessary to refine the tools for understanding the needs of specific categories of users, such as the elderly, to define integrated strategies able to operate on many aspects simultaneously.


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Author Biographies

Rosaria Battarra, National Research Council Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies Naples

Researcher of the National Research Council (Institute of Studies on the Mediterranean Systems in Naples). Since 1989 she has been cooperating with the “Dipartimento di Pianificazione e Scienza del Territorio” of the University of Naples Federico II, carring-out research into urban redevelopment and especially on the tools and procedures for the implementation of the plans.

Floriana Zucaro, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (Dicea), University of Napoli Federico II

Engineer, she received a M.Sc. in Environmental and Territorial Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II with a specialization in management of urban and territorial transformations. In April 2015 she holds a PhD in Hydraulic, Transport and Territorial Systems Engineering at the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering – University of Naples Federico II. Since 2014 she has been a scholarship holder within the Project Smart Energy Master for the energy management of territory financed by PON 04A2_00120 R&C Axis II, from 2012 to 2015. Her research activity is focused on the integration of land use planning and energy saving policies in urban contests.

Maria Rosa Tremiterra, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (Dicea), University of Napoli Federico II

Engineer, Ph.D. student in Civil Systems Engineering at University of Naples Federico II. She received a master’s degree in Architecture and Building Engineering with a thesis in urban planning. In 2014, she won a one-year grant for post-lauream education and research within the Project Smart Energy Master at the Department of Civil Engineering, Building and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II.


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How to Cite

Battarra, R., Zucaro, F., & Tremiterra, M. R. (2018). Smart Mobility and Elderly People. Can ICT Make the City More Accessible for Everybody?. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 23–42.



Special Issue 2018. SIET Elderly mobility

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