Sustainable land use and climate adaptation: a review of European local plans


  • Floriana Zucaro University of Naples Federico II
  • Rosa Morosini University of Naples Federico II



sustainable land use, climate change, adaptation plans,


Adaptation plans are the result of a political decision based on the awareness that climate change has altered environmental conditions and action is therefore needed in order to return to, maintain or achieve the desired outcome. A crucial role in defining adaptation actions is played by the use of resources, in particular of non-renewable resources such as soil.
This paper, rooted on the reading of a sample of recent Italian and European adaptation plans, seeks to investigate the existence of environmental actions aimed at guaranteeing a sustainable use of natural and non-natural soil, in order to reduce the consumption of non-anthropized soil and also contribute to containing the effects of climate change.
The paper is divided into three sections: the first one describes the methodology employed; the second one focuses on the most up-to- date plans regarding the effects of climate change in some urban systems; the third one proposes hints for further reflections and useful recommendations to local decision-makers in the development of tailor-made adaptation actions aimed at guaranteeing an efficient use of both natural and anthropized soil.
The reading of the plans has exposed that soil consumption is not among the factors that need direct action to reduce the vulnerability of urban systems to current climate change, but rather it is a phenomenon that can be contained by increasing green areas and/or infrastructures and encouraging agricultural and environmental regeneration. The attention seems to be drawn to not yet sealed soil, thus leaving out the already anthropized one that, as such, would require, instead, greater adaptation efforts.


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Author Biographies

Floriana Zucaro, University of Naples Federico II

Engineer, PhD in Hydraulic, Transport and Territorial Systems Engineering at the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering – University of Naples Federico II. She received a M.Sc. in Environmental and Territorial Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II with a specialization in management of urban and territorial transformations. In 2014 she won a scholarship within the Project Smart Energy Master for the energy management of territory financed by PON 04A2_00120 R&C Axis II. Her research interests are in the field of land use planning and energy saving integration in urban policies, sustainable land use and sustainable mobility.

Rosa Morosini, University of Naples Federico II

Engineer, Ph.D. student in civil systems engineering at University of Naples Federico II. Her research topic concerns the urban planning transformations and soil consumption. The purpose is to identify supporting tools for the local authorities with the aim of minimizing the use of this resource and make it a sustainable use.


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How to Cite

Zucaro, F., & Morosini, R. (2018). Sustainable land use and climate adaptation: a review of European local plans. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 11(1), 7–26.

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