Vol. 9 No. 3 (2016): Planning for livable and safe cities: Socio-economic changes in advanced societies

					View Vol. 9 No. 3 (2016): Planning for livable and safe cities: Socio-economic changes in advanced societies
Contributions dealing with strategies and measures aimed at reducing the impacts of socio-economic dynamics on cities life and organization by redefining the physical and functional form of the urban environment are invited. In particular, contributions dealing with population aging, globalization and migration flows are especially welcome. Specific attention will be devoted to the development and pervasiveness of new communication technologies as a tool to design innovative techniques of governance and management of the urban development, which are appropriate to the increasing complexity of urban systems and able to promote a wider participation in the decision making processes as well as guide the implementation of the foreseen strategies and the monitoring of the urban systems’ development.
Published: 2016-12-28

Full Issue


LUME (Land Use, Mobility and Environment)

Review Pages