Measure the performance of urban green materials. Two models to support the implementation urban planning


  • Valentina Adinolfi University of Salerno
  • Isidoro Fasolino Università degli Studi di Salerno



The objective of this paper is to compare two models aimed at measuring the various functions and relative prestations of greenery in the urban planning of settlements at a detailed scale. The Ecosystem Services based model is aimed at assessing the performance of plant species based on the ability of the soil cover to provide Ecosystem Services, SEs. Through the attribution of scores to the SEs and with a multi-criteria calculation method, a summary performance evaluation is obtained, weighted according to the areas involved, or disaggregated by single indicators or by groups of them. A comparison between different scenarios allows you to make more conscious technical choices in relation to the design needs.
The Green features based model measures the level of efficiency in detailed design, of a multi-criteria type, through the use of indicators, measures the performance offered by urban green, based on its physical, phenological characteristics, etc. The value of the indicators is measured with respect to a Global Goal of environmental improvement, divided into Intermediate Goals, obtained through the grouping of Specific Goals.
For both models, by comparing the scenarios, it is possible to evaluate the choice of the optimal use of urban green, also with reference to the specific objectives of the implementation urban project. The limits and potentials of two models are presented and some lines of research development are outlined.


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