A sustainable strategy for the port area of San Giovanni a Teduccio


  • Irina Di Ruocoo University Federico II of Naples
  • Salvatore Polverino
  • Silvia Sivo
  • Stefania Regalbuto




Sustainable development, port city, design process.


The process of deindustrialization that in latest decades has marked the productive fabric of Neapolitan area has determined the economic, social and cultural crisis of the city (Fusco Girard, 2012). The port areas, formerly economic and social driver characterized by different-scales connections have become parting areas between the port and the surrounding districts often marked by infrastructural bundles that connect and separate the city from its coastline, close to which abandoned and degraded areas have increased.
The paper aims to highlight in which way the design process, starting from an accurate fact-finding analysis of the territory, can re-establish a proper sea-city relationship, preserving its identity but also introducing new dynamics of local development. According to this scenario, the regeneration of cities is configured as a strategic tool for sustainable development.1
The analysis of the urban fabric and of the current planning tool, supported by data, led to a knowledge basis, starting from which it was possible to identify the project macro-themes, still to be developed in the planning purpose.


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