UIA and the MAC project: green city and multi-ethical connections for Monteruscello neighbourhood. Pozzuoli case study


  • Francesco Domenico Moccia University Federico II of Naples
  • Barbara Scalera




Nature, economics, youth entrepreneurship, rural urban landscape, urban sustainable development


The identification of cities as the main engine of development and the awareness that their role is decisive in completing the objectives of the European Urban Agenda 2030 is one of the basic aspects recently affirmed by the European Community. The cities, the cause and, at the same time, the solution to the economic crisis, are faced with a diligent and complex challenge that has a dual role: on the one hand, the management of critical issues such as reception, social integration of migrants, urban poverty, availability of affordable housing, demographic change not only in quantitative aspects, but also in its composition; on the other, to guarantee a high level of well-being both in the natural and anthropic environment, but especially in the community that lives there, relationships, emotions and relationships. The new European methodology allows you to experience the role of leadership that has long held the city at institutional level and at the same time facilitates the difficult task of involving and co-ordinating all the public and private actors of the new urban economies that will have to participate in the construction and implementation of shared urban regeneration projects. This contribution investigates the implementation tools of European urban policies and describes the case study of the city of Pozzuoli, in the province of Naples, and the strategy it will adopt, within the European UIA program, to operate urban regeneration in one of the most the poor of the city, and socio-economic revitalization.


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