Urban empty spaces and derelict infrastructures. An opportunity for the classification of state assets on the territory


  • Piero Pedrocco
  • Francesco Pupillo
  • Irina Cristea




vuoti urbani, infrastrutture dismesse, beni demaniali


Marked by brownfield areas, the contemporary city looks like an untidy scenery, without boundaries, signed by buildings often no more useful for the original functional needs. Urban empty spaces penetrate into the neighbourhoods, without any formal logic, in a crescendo sometimes difficult to deal with. The process of starting from the classification of derelict  State assets, in the perspective of their valorisation, turns out as a description at the basis of the project. This issue opens a wide reflection, under both descriptive and planning points of view, though it is now in a dynamic evolution and therefore uncertain. Our methodology, based on the evaluation of specific characteristics and indicators, addresses us to possibilities of effective regeneration interventions, but that is not enough; subsequently multi-objectives analyses should be used in order to develop wider decision-making dialectics about regeneration, avoiding choices made case by case.


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