The Voices of the City


  • Fabio Bronzini
  • Naria Angela Bedini
  • Paolo Colarossi
  • Judith Lange



voci, città, racconti


With eyes half closed, the ears attentive,  taking in the smell of the city by the sea (Ancona) one can hear the confused mix of voices, as a call, then always more clear and distant, as soon as they became aware of the presence of friends, attentive and desirous. Letting oneself be transported by pleasant thoughts one seems to hear a song rise to the surface of the water like a bubble.

The city is the projection of events which have ancient roots , which speaks of the city and its history by the images of its constructed elements, which goes beyond the rationalist binomial of container and contents, of when and how much, of how and where, of being and appearing, up to reaching (with a language which is basically poetic, interwoven with lights, colours and smells which echo the voices,  the most profound emotive spheres of those who live in , work in  and visit the city.


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