Periurban Coastal Landscape: a method to identify and map Resource-Scapes


  • LIbera Amenta University Federico II of Naples
  • Anna Attademo Università degli Studi Federico II di Napoli



This paper[1] presents an “How-to” tool for urbanists and policy makers, based on the mapping of contemporary urban systems – with a specific focus on wastescapes of the coastline, and the transversal transects land-sea - of the metropolitan area of Naples. This work aims to be a contribution to a conceptualization of these landscape as urban and periurban resources.

Circular and systemic thinking is key in reconsidering the role of these spaces in wider processes of regeneration, based on the presence of potential indicators of regenerative resources (both materials and intangibles).

The applied perspective for this kind of mapping is based on a Circular Urban Metabolism approach, and on life cycles of territories.

This work aims to reach a wide audience. On the one hand, this mapping method contributes to the recognition of wastescapes as local resource-spaces, as an opportunity for public authorities (at urban and regional level), and policy makers to analyze and plan contemporary urbanizations.

On the other hand, it could be useful also for academic research and didactic experiments, as a field ground for future research agenda, and delineating open questions.



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