Vol. 4 No. 4 (2011): Mobility and conflicts
The presence, the implementation, or the forecast of a mobility infrastructure may cause different types of conflicts, mainly related to the social and territorial context as well as to the relationship between infrastructure and local communities affected by the changes and exposed to the impacts caused by the facility.
Firstly, it is possible to define a group of conflicts that can refer to such factors as: typology of infrastructure, scale of the intervention, kind of produced impact, characteristics of the involved communities, territorial distribution of mobility infrastructure, moving typology and so on.
This issue intends to investigate the potential and heterogeneous types of conflicts, focusing also on conflicts related to: the agreement procedures, the routes to gain public consensus, but also the unbalances in the service supply and the conflicts induced in different classes of users by new policies of infrastructure management (considering, for example, the new transfer opportunities offered by the H/S railway network).
A very important role is played by the focus on the impacts, unbalances and dyscrasia produced on the environmental system by new mobility infrastructure, which transforms the orography and the landscape of high environmental value sites (Alpine, island, coast areas and so on), for which a strong feeling of belonging is rooted in the local communities.