Health emergency and economic and territorial implications. First considerations




Urban planning, Economy, Geographical data analysis, Post-covid actions


The Covid-19 epidemic has caused a lot of economic and social damages and has generated territorial imbalances that are not yet quantifiable. Many research groups are currently committed to deepen their understanding of the impact of the crisis using different disciplinary methodologies and focusing on different aspects of the phenomenon. These researches reveal causal links between the variables involved that have not been explored up until now and raise relevant questions for the economic and social future of our Country. This paper wants to provide an overview of the territorial and economic implications related to the epidemic event on the basis of a set of economic, settlement and environmental indicators applied to the two territorial dimensions of the Italian Regions and Provinces. For each of them, the connection with primary epidemic data (number of cases and number of deaths) was analysed to verify the possible presence and consistency of the correlation indices. Aim of the article is to highlight some territorial characteristics that may have facilitated the spread of the epidemic by identifying, at the same time, some actions that will positively affect them, in an evolutionary perspective.


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Author Biographies

Salvatore Capasso, Department of Business and Economic Studies, University of Naples Parthenope

He was awarded PhD in Economics and Finance from the University of Manchester (UK) and PhD in Economics from the University of Naples Parthenope. Since 2013 he has been full professor of Economic Policy at the University of Naples Parthenope and from 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2019 he was Director of the ISSM which, following his project submitted to the CNR, became part of the present ISMed. His research interests are focused on the economics of Development and Economic Growth and on monetary and financial economics. In specific, he has in recent years dealt with the relationship between the black economy and financial development and the relationship between corruption and economic growth. He is the author of numerous publications and articles in national and international journals.

Giuseppe Mazzeo, ISMed - Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean, National Research Council

Civil engineer, graduated at the University of Naples Federico II. For two years he was a fellow at the CNR (1989-1991). He is researcher at CNR since 1998. Professor of Environmental Analysis and Assessment at University Parthenope of Naples, Faculty of Environmental Sciences (1999-2004). Professor of Urban Planning at University Federico II of Naples, Faculty of Engineering (2005-2012). Professor of Territorial Planning at University Federico II of Naples, Faculty of Engineering (2018-2019). Author of more of 100 published works on some of the key themes of urban planning, such as land use planning, urban transformations and environmental assessment. He has taken part at numerous national and international conferences. Present research topics are included in the transformation processes of urban systems, in particular, the evolution of structures and functions of metropolitan areas; the innovation in the urban plans, with special attention to the local sustainable planning; the assessment of the environmental sustainability of the urban and territorial plans.


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How to Cite

Capasso, S., & Mazzeo, G. (2020). Health emergency and economic and territorial implications. First considerations. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 45–58.



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