Key Characteristics of an Age Friendly Neighbouhood


  • Fulvia Pinto Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
  • Mina Sufineyestani Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies



Quality of life, Well-being, Mobility, Age-friendly Neighbourhood, Review


European Union’s inhabitants are quickly ageing. Therefore, ageing is an emerging issue, causing different kinds of problems. Among them, mobility is a remarkably complicated challenge, as it encompasses much more inter-related problems that have profound physical, mental and social consequences on well-being. Urban planning researchers indicate that a low level of mobility is generally linked to a low quality of life especially amongst elderly.

Mobility has an important positive effect on old people’s independence and involvement in socio-economic life resulting in profits for themselves as well as the whole of society. Besides, mobility facilitates senior access to medical and health, educational, cultural, recreational services and other local welfare services; particularly to establish and foster social relations, and help them to combat social exclusion. Overall, everyday mobility is necessary for their social well-being, and physical and mental health.

This paper aimed to review and critically analyze the literature on the contribution between key characteristics of the neighbourhood that improve the outdoor mobility of old adults, quality of life and well-being in a number of countries all around the worlds. It also aimed to identify gaps in the level of scientific knowledge about this subject.



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Author Biographies

Fulvia Pinto, Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies

Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies – Politecnico di Milano. Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning; professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the Politecnico di Milano. Research activities are mainly focused on urban environment requalification, on the relationship between city, mobility and environment, on the new energy certification protocols for urban planning tools. Recent research experiences have been developed in a number of national and international projects. She is author of more than 90 publications and speaker at International and National Conferences.

Mina Sufineyestani, Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies

First year PhD student in Urban Planning, Design, and Policy, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DASTU), Politecnico di Milano University. Social and urban researcher and planner, interested in human-environment interactions, the impacts of planning, urban design, outdoor spaces, neighbourhoods and housing on social and psychological aspects and quality of life and well-being of the user.


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How to Cite

Pinto, F., & Sufineyestani, M. (2018). Key Characteristics of an Age Friendly Neighbouhood. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 117–132.



Special Issue 2018. SIET Elderly mobility