Residential Location Preferences. The Significance of Socio-Cultural and Religious Attributes


  • Gobi Krishna Sinniah University Teknology Malaysia
  • Muhammad Zaly Shah University Teknology Malaysia
  • Geoff Vigar School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University
  • Paulus Teguh Aditjandrad New-Rail-Centre for Railway Research, School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University



Residential Location Preferences, Travel Behaviors, Cultural and Religious Factors


The objective of this paper is to explore residential location preferences and how they are related to travel behavior. The literature focuses on the preferences in relation to physical and demographic aspects, such as land uses, facilities, transportation facilities, transportation services, car ownership, income, household size and travel accessibility. However, this study suggests social and cultural issue such as racial diversity which is literally to be a significance context. The case study reported here is based on Iskandar Malaysia’s development region. Reliability Analysis and Factor Analysis are applied to determine that religious and culture are influential in terms of residential location preferences. These findings add a different perspective on travel behavior studies, which are heavily dominated by researches from Western Europe, North America and Australasia. It is suggested that transport researchers need to reject universal conclusions and be clearer about the contexts in which their findings most applied and in multi-cultural scenarios to consider cultural and religious factors more extensively.


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Author Biographies

Gobi Krishna Sinniah, University Teknology Malaysia

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment. Ph.D. candidate in Transportation Planning 

Muhammad Zaly Shah, University Teknology Malaysia

Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Head, Logistics and Transportation Laboratory, Faculty of Built Environment 

Geoff Vigar, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University

Professor of Urban Planning at Newcastle University

Paulus Teguh Aditjandrad, New-Rail-Centre for Railway Research, School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University

Research Associate with NewRail-Centre for Railway Research, School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University


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How to Cite

Sinniah, G. K., Shah, M. Z., Vigar, G., & Aditjandrad, P. T. (2014). Residential Location Preferences. The Significance of Socio-Cultural and Religious Attributes. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 7(2), 223–238.