Editorial Policies

JALaLit publishes one issue a year.

JALaLit publishes mainly original research articles and considers other scientific contributions such as review articles, notes, discussions, fieldwork material and book reviews. Original research articles undergo a double-blind evaluation process. Every research article that is accepted for consideration will be evaluated by two external referees, selected by the Editors based on their areas of expertise.  The Editors will make the final decision about publication or assess the need for further revision.  We endeavour to get a decision back to authors within 12 weeks of submission.

These are the stages of the review process:

– The author submits his or her manuscript to JALaLit (see Submissions). By submitting an article to JALaLit, the author ensures that the text is original and not already published, and that it is neither in whole nor in part under evaluation in other journals. The author also ensures that he or she has not submitted competing proposals (i.e. proposals that discuss and analyse the same problem in the same terms) to multiple journals.
– The manuscript is reviewed by an internal editor: if the manuscript complies with the guidelines and meets the criteria established by JALaLit, then it is anonymised and sent to two external reviewers. If the manuscript does not meet the criteria set by JALaLit, then the author receives a rejection notification with the relevant reasons. This step takes 1-2 weeks.
– The external reviewers complete their work within 10 weeks. Exceptionally, due to the specificity of submissions to JALaLit, it may happen that the identification of a reviewer and the review itself take longer than 10 weeks. Should this happen, the editorial team will endeavour to update the author on the new timeline.
– Upon receipt of the reviewers' comments and suggestions, the author commits to send the editors a list of changes to be made. Should the author decide not to make one or more of the changes suggested by the reviewers, he/she shall give reasons for doing so.

The list of external reviewers is disclosed every two years. The judgments and opinions of external reviewers on submitted contributions are anonymous.

The contributions in the sections “Review articles”, “Notes and dicussions,” "Fieldwork material" and “Reviews” are not considered to be original research papers. They are evaluated in single blind mode by a member of the Scientific Committee or an external reviewer.

As per editorial policy, JALaLit generally does not publish articles by the same author two years in a row.

Authors may provide the Editor in Chief with the names of persons they feel should not be asked to review a manuscript because of potential conflicts of interest.

JALaLit is an Open Access journal published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

With the licence CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author.

It is not necessary to ask further permissions both to author or journal board.

This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access.

All versions of a paper (Submitted Manuscript Under Review, Accepted Manuscript, Version of Record) may be deposited in an institutional or other repository of the author's choice without any form of embargo.

JALaLit does not ask for articles processing (APC) or submissions charges. 

Your name and email address will be used only for the purposes of communicating with you regarding your submission or subscription. Your name or email address will not be disclosed to a third party.