Emenyonu and the language of Igbo literature: A review




Author Biography

Uchenna Oyali, Department of English, University of Abuja

A lecturer in the Department of English, University of Abuja, Nigeria, Dr Uchenna Oyali completed his doctorate degree at the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), University of Bayreuth, Germany. He is a member of the Nigerian Young Academy, Secretary of the Association for Translation Studies in Nigeria and Editor of the Journal for Translation Studies in Nigeria. Dr Oyali’s current research interests include Bible (re)translation, ideology and paratexts, pragmatics and sociolinguistics. Some of his recent publications have appeared in New Voices in Translation StudiesLebende Sprachen: Zeitschrift für interlinguale und interkulturelle Kommunikation and Journal of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria. He is the editor of Perspectives on Translation Studies in Africa. BIGSASWorks! Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers 17 (2017) and co-editor of Norm-Focused and Culture-Related Inquiries in Translation Research (Peter Lang2016).


