What grammar for Bamileke languages? A common grammar or a ‘library’ of grammars?
This paper describes and then compares tense-aspect features in three Bamileke languages, viz. Ghomalaʔ, Ngiemboon, and Ngombale, with a view to (1) providing a detailed description of the mechanisms for expressing tenseaspect categories in three Bamileke languages and (2) testing the assumption that Bamileke languages could be described in a common grammar. The study shows that there is an extensive inventory of tense-aspect markings in each of the languages under investigation, which enables speakers to refer to situations that are distinct with respect to tense (past, present, future) and aspect (perfective, imperfective, progressive, habitual). The comparison of the investigated languages with respect to the structure of tense-aspect categories, the form of tense-aspect markers, and the function of tense-aspect categories reveals that the languages analysed show similarities, but also huge differences with respect to tense-aspect categories. I conclude from this that Bamileke languages are not suitable candidates for inclusion in a common grammar.
KEY WORDS: Bamileke languages, Grassfields, grammar, tense, aspect