Nico Nassenstein, Swahili Proverbs from the Democratic Republic of the Congo


  • Roberto Gaudioso University of Johannesburg


Author Biography

Roberto Gaudioso, University of Johannesburg

Roberto Gaudioso is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Johannesburg. He is working comparatively on Shona and Swahili poems that were written from the 50s. In his previous research (at the University of Naples “L’Oritentale”) he worked on Congolese Swahili verbal art with a focus on Lubumbashi and on the DRC diaspora of musicians in Dar es Salaam. He wrote a monograph on the poetics of the Swahili writer and philosopher Euphrase Kezilahabi The Voice of the Text and its Body. The continuous reform of Euphrase Kezilahabi’s Poetics (2019). His research interests include the literatures in African languages, comparative literatures, theories and practices of translation, aesthetics of texts and textual approaches.


