Per una decostruzione (e ricostruzione) del coaching sportivo

Jones, R.L. (2019). Studies in Sports Coaching. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars


  • Lorenzo Pedrini Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca



The aim of this paper is to locate coaching within the field of sport and physical activity scholarship. In this regard, the volume Studies in Sports Coaching authored by Robyn L. Jones, sketches out a critical sport coaching paradigm. Drawing on this perspective, (micro)sociological studies on coaching allow to address a wide range of pedagogic, political, and symbolic processes. It is argued that analyzing situated interactions and language in use provides a powerful means for deconstructing the taken-for-granted aspects of the daily coaching endeavor. This focus can also sustain an effort to break down the communication gap between the scholars and the coaches, conjoining the communities on action-research initiatives primarily concerned in reconstructing the sporting cultures.  


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How to Cite

Pedrini, Lorenzo. 2022. “Per Una Decostruzione (e Ricostruzione) Del Coaching Sportivo: Jones, R.L. (2019). Studies in Sports Coaching. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars”. Eracle. Journal of Sport and Social Sciences 5 (1):174-82.