“Las feministas me bardearon por maradoniana y las maradonianas por feminista”: amores y valores en conflicto a partir de la muerte de “El Diego” para las futbolistas feministas de la capital argentina
This paper aims to analyse an unexplored social dimension by memory, feminist and sport studies: representations and contradictions on “El Diego” amid amateur feminist soccer players’ testimonies in Buenos Aires. His death meant a moral and political dilemma on an Argentinian popular symbol among those who build a militant project throughout soccer and feminism. This event became a debate within the feminist movement, which has gained relevance in Argentina since the Ni Una Menos’ uprising (2015) and abortion legalization (2020). One position criticized his masculinity model and any act that honored him, such as his funeral at the Casa Rosada. Aware of this nearby “cancel culture” critique, another position highlighted an intersectional review of Maradó’s political and affective role in their personal biographies and social life as a sport hero and popular myth who made happy all soccer fans regardless of their team attachment.