Leggere la Nuova Agenda Urbana secondo una prospettiva di genere


  • Antonio Acierno Università degli Studi Federico II di Napoli



Parole chiave:

Habitat III, Nuova Agenda Urbana, genere


The New Urban Agenda contains many commitments with attention to women’s needs and promote policies and action to remove the obstacles which the women faced in urban environment. It promotes gender equity and empowerment in all the urban activities, as to ensure women’s participation in all levels of decision making processes. Particularly, gender responsive urban planning should rely on  transport system, services, infrastructure spread off in the city. Another important issue is the security and safety, particularly for women and girls, of the contemporary city where public spaces must be without fear of violence.
The journal TRIA aims to contribute to this debate by proposing some findings about one of core topics of Habitat III e and New Urban Agenda: a city for all in respect of differences such as age, gender, race, etc.


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