Urbanistica di prossimità: competenza di genere o strategia miope? Reintroduzione delle valutazioni dell'impatto di genere nella pianificazione spaziale


  • Lidewij Tummers Delft University of Technology, Department of Urbanism



Parole chiave:

gender, diversity, evaluation


In the present situation, gender-aware spatial planning, instead of looking at structural inequalities, still aims at ‘women’’ as a special needs or target. The ‘women friendly approach’ allows for paying attention to spatial conditions for many people still confined to ancient role-patterns or extra burdens, and measures build on this concept can improve spatial conditions for many women in this situation. In this way it may alleviate the so-colled ‘chain of care’ which makes career-women dependent on services of low-educated low-paid. The result is an ‘urbanism of proximity’ [Muxi 2010; ..] that is also in the interest of the growing number of senior citizens, or of young families; see for example the recent French quarters in the south of Germany [ref]. But who guarantees that on the long run such measures do not convert in their opposite: an obstacle for emancipation? If conditions are optimised, why complain about the job? Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) is an ex ante evaluation method designed to identify possible gender effects in general policy.



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Biografia autore

Lidewij Tummers, Delft University of Technology, Department of Urbanism

Assistant professor

Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy

Department of Urbanism

urbanistica della prossimità; valutazione dell'impatto di genere; pianificazione spaziale






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