Sustainable Mobility and Lifestyle


  • Rosa Anna La Rocca Laboratorio TeMA



“If you think green you move green”. This could be the slogan to summarize the goal this article try to affirm.  
Green mobility should be a new way of thinking and living tending to state a new culture of moving.
Making people aware of environmental and social impacts of unsustainable travel choise and educating people are the key of success for any sustanable policy.
Starting from this consideration this article selects and examimes some reports and documents that are particularly significant in research for greener ways of living.
As shown in Ifort report on Usance of italian in mobility, car trips are always predominant over other ways of moving even though an inclination towards the change in using the car has been pointed out. Transport is the fastest growing sector in term of energy use and it is also the sector producing about 300 million tonnes of CO2 per year in the cities.
The european commitment to achive at least a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 calls to do something about this situation.
Somethings is happening at least at social level. People seem to be more conscious and disposable to modify own lifestyle, at same time is hard to please and less patient toward timimg of governmental procedures.
This is “the social capital” able to govern the changement towards more livable cities.
The experience of transition towns for example shows a “bottom down” solution based on engagement in changing actual development model strongly dependent on oil. The experiment involves about seven hundred cities around the world and is also expanding in Italy.
It is a cultural movement that involves the community in accordance with local government. In the transition town model, collective action plays both a significant and active role in identifying the possibility to address the environmental emergency that involves all the existing cities.
Other examples discussed in this article refer to “bottom up” solutions to tackle climate change in which the transport sector bears a heavy responsibility.
These reports have all the same target - the urgency to respond to global climate change in urban centers-  but different methodology to test how and how much is the commitment of govern and people to meet this challenge.
What stands out is the awareness that current lifestyles must necessarily change in order to assure vivibility to the future generations.
This article attempts to stimulate the attention of the scientific field about the possibilities that an in-depth study dealing with signals of changement may have.


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Author Biography

Rosa Anna La Rocca, Laboratorio TeMA

Architetto, è dottore di ricerca in Pianificazione e Scienza del Territorio. Assegnista presso il Dipartimento di Pianificazione e Scienza del Territorio dove collabora alle attività didattiche e di ricerca dal 1992. Le attività di ricerca sinora condotte fanno riferimento alla analisi e alla valutazione dei sistemi urbani e territoriali esaminati in riferimento ai fenomeni che possono modificarne lo stato di equilibrio. In particolare, nel periodo più recente, le attività di ricerca sono state orientate allo studio del rapporto tra attività turistica e pianificazione urbana e territoriale, con l’obiettivo di evidenziare la necessità di affiancare alle politiche di sviluppo turistico adeguati strumenti di governo delle trasformazioni urbane e territoriali per contenere gli impatti negativi derivanti da uno sviluppo non governato del fenomeno.


Agrilli M. (2010) “Infrastrutture e reti della sostenibilità”, Urbanistica informazioni n. 232 luglio-agosto 2010, INU edizioni Roma.

Latouche S. (2007) Breve trattato sulla decrescita serena, Bollati Boringeri, Torino,

Putnam R.D. (1993), La tradizione civica delle regioni italiane, Milano, Mondatori.

Spaziante A. (2011) Crisi dell’economia e crisi di città e territori: processi indipendenti ma convergenti, EyesReg Vol.1, N. 1, giornale on-line dell’AISRE, maggio 2011.

Tiezzi E., Marchettini N. (2000) La sostenibilità e le questioni poste dalle leggi naturali, Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, anno XXXII, n. 71-72, 2001, FrancoAngeli, Milano.

UE (2007) Verso una nuova cultura della mobilità urbana, Libro verde della Comunità Europea,

UE (2009) Les transports efficaces En route vers une mobilité verte, Aperçu des projets, Transport n. 5 avril 2009,Agence exécutive pour la compétitivité et l’innovation (EACI) de la Commission européenne,

WWF (2010), Living Placet Report, disposable at



How to Cite

La Rocca, R. A. (2011). Sustainable Mobility and Lifestyle. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 4(2).




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