Mobility Network and Safety


  • Adriana Galderisi DiPiST
  • Andrea Ceudech Laboratorio TeMA



Mobility network is crucial for ensuring territorial safety with respect to natural and technological hazards. They represent a basic support to community’s everyday life although being exposed elements often characterized by high vulnerability to different hazards and, in the meanwhile, strategic equipments for emergency management. Physical damages or the lack in functioning of those networks may greatly increase the loss of human lives caused by hazardous events as well as produce relevant economic damages at medium and long term. Although the relevance of the mobility networks in assuring territorial safety is at present largely recognized, risk analyses have been long focused on buildings’ vulnerability or, even where they have paid attention to mobility network, they have been mainly focused on the physical damages that a given hazard could may induce on individual elements of such network. It is recent the awareness that mobility network represents a system, characterized by relevant interdependences both among its elements and among network infrastructures and urban systems. Based on these assumptions, this paper points out the heterogeneous aspects of the mobility network vulnerability and their relevance in increasing the overall territorial or urban vulnerability to hazardous events. Therefore, an in-depth investigation of the concept of mobility network vulnerability is provided, in order to highlight the aspects mostly investigated and more recent research perspectives. Finally, a case study in the Campania Region is presented in order to point out how traditional risk analyses, generally referred to individual hazards, can sometimes led to invest in the mobility network improvement or development which, targeted to increase the security of a territory result, on the opposite, in an increase of the territorial vulnerability.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Galderisi, DiPiST

Researcher at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning - University of Naples Federico II. Professor of Town Planning at the Faculty of Engineering of the University Federico II; Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning. The research activities are addressed to the requalification of urban environment, focusing on the relationships between urban mobility and urban quality and on the vulnerability of urban systems to natural and na-tech events.

Andrea Ceudech, Laboratorio TeMA

Architect, Ph.D in Urban and regional Planning at the University of Naples Federico II where he is contract professor at the Faculty of Engineering. His research activity at the “Dipartimento di Pianificazione e Scienza del Territorio” of the University Federico II is focused on the setting up of methods for the vulnerability assessment of urban systems to natural hazards and on the deepening of the relationships between mobility and urban planning policies.



How to Cite

Galderisi, A., & Ceudech, A. (2010). Mobility Network and Safety. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 2.




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