The 15-minute city as a hybrid model for Milan




15-minute city, Walkability, Hybrid Mix


With a special focus on Milan, we explore the interpretation of the 15-minute city as a hybrid model, where soft mobility is integrated in a holistic urbanism approach. Contemporary urban challenges, synthetized in the 15-minute city model, look for a sustainable “proximity mix”: mix of uses (overcoming rigid zoning and building codes), mix of inhabitants and users, mix of time schedules and multi-purpose open space. The proposed hybrid approach considers the living-working urban experience as a whole: it proposes to consider, as a starting point for measuring the timeframe of 15 minutes, not only homes but workplaces as well. It welcomes innovative working facilities among those to be considered as essential services reachable within the 15-minute walking timeframe and it integrates open spaces within urban infrastructures by mixing the neighborhood “eco-system” –both of environment and mobility– and designing them around the central role of walking.


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Author Biographies

Lamia Abdelfattah, Systematica

She is an urban planner and researcher at Systematica focusing on emerging mobility trends and innovative transport solutions. She has a background in participatory urban development and expertise in issues of spatial equity in cities with a particular focus on gender equality. Since joining the team in 2019, she has been involved in diverse projects and initiatives spanning a multitude of international contexts with the aim of delivering sustainable, innovative and equitable tools in the field of urban mobility. She is currently focused on issues of accessibility and walkability including the 15-minute city paradigm and related neighborhood planning models.

Diego Deponte, Systematica

He is Partner, Director and Member of the BoD of Systematica. With a Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Specialization in Transport Planning and Infrastructure Design) at Politecnico di Milano, he has been working for 20 years on the Transport Planning and Mobility Engineering industry, gaining a considerable experience in all-round transport and mobility planning and design as well as territorial/urban planning. His multi-faceted experience includes strategic national, regional and urban transport planning, development transport planning, strategic traffic and revenue advisory, crowd management and mobility planning of major events, feasibility studies of transport infrastructures and mobility services, multi-modal transport assessments, parking engineering, pedestrian flow analysis and vertical transportation appraisals, smart and electro-mobility planning, transport modelling with robust knowledge of a large set of different transport planning / traffic engineering suites of codes.

Giovanna Fossa, Politecnico Di Milano

She is Full Professor on Urban Design and Planning, Architecture and Urban Studies Department, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. She has gathered a long and international experience (teaching, research and projects) on issues of urban regeneration projects, regional and landscape planning; special focus on landscapes of production, the integration between infrastructures and settlements, tourism and place making. She has been cooperating with ETH Zurich, SUPSI Lugano, Regional Plan Association New York. Since 2018 she has been member of the Urban land Institute Executive Committee. Among her publications: Settlement as Factory in The Design of Urban Manufacturing (Routledge 2020), L’industria fa bella la città (Prodigi 2019), Planning Talks (Maggioli 2018), Industrial Heritage Sites in Transformation (Routledge 2014), Itatour (F. Angeli 2012), Un atlante per Milano (Skira 2006), Transforming the Places of Production (Olivares 2002), Il Sempione, grand axe del territorio milanese (Gangemi 1996).




How to Cite

Abdelfattah, L., Deponte, D., & Fossa, G. (2022). The 15-minute city as a hybrid model for Milan. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 71–86.



Living and Walking in Cities 2021