Data analysis and mapping for monitoring health risk. What has the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in northern Italy taught us?


  • Michela Tiboni University of Brescia
  • Michèle Pezzagno DICATAM University of Brescia, Italy
  • David Vetturi DIMI University of Brescia, Italy
  • Craig Alexander
  • Francesco Botticini DICATAM University of Brescia, Italy



Data mapping, Data analysis, Risk, Monitoring, Prevention


The construction of the knowledge framework is a fundamental phase in the territorial governance process and data analyses, together with their mapping using GIS software, provide a fundamental basis for the structuring of a system for making decisions. With reference to the issue of risk management, monitoring of spatial and temporal evolution of the phenomena is equally fundamental. The aim of the paper is to address these issues in relation to health risk, starting from the pandemic situation that affected northern Italy in the early months of 2020. The paper presents an ex-post statistical analysis of the ISTAT data on mortality in the Italian provinces, comparing the currently available 2020 data to previous years. A territorial analysis is then presented, using a GIS, regarding the spread of the Covid-19 infection in the 205 municipalities of the province of Brescia. The paper also proposes a comparison with analysis conducted for other territories outside Italy. Finally, a reflection is offered on what we have learned from this pandemic regarding the need to have a monitoring system for phenomena related to health risk, in order to reduce the vulnerability of the health system.


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Author Biographies

Michela Tiboni, University of Brescia

Civil Engineer, Full Professor of Town and Regional Planning, Ph.D. in Town planning technique at the Polytechnic of Milan (2000), her main fields of research are Land-use dynamics and environmental hazards, Evaluation of plan previews for a safe and sustainable town, Urban policies and techniques towards a safer town. Since 2013 she is urban planning councilor of the City of Brescia.

Michèle Pezzagno, DICATAM University of Brescia, Italy

Architect, Associate Professor of Town and Regional Planning, Ph.D. in Town planning technique at the Polytechnic of Milan (2001), her main fields of research are land-use planning, urban renewal in relation to urban policies, applying planning techniques for a safer town

David Vetturi, DIMI University of Brescia, Italy

Mechanical Engineer, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Thermal Measurements, Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics, the main areas of research are: the study of the dynamics of the vehicle and of the related measurement systems; the development of soft-computing algorithms for the analysis of mechanical systems (neural networks and genetic algorithms); experimental analysis of the dynamic behavior of materials; problems concerning vibration measurements.

Craig Alexander

Quantitative archaeologist and data analyst. PhD in GIS applied to Iron Age Valle Camonica, Master's thesis simulating the Neolithization of Italy, undergraduate education in mathematical economics - all at University of Cambridge. Research interests in quantitative spatial analysis

Francesco Botticini, DICATAM University of Brescia, Italy

Civil Engineer, Ph.D. students Civil and Environmental Engineering, International Cooperation and Mathematics with the Urban Planning and Transportation curriculum, his main research fields are the enhancement of architectural heritage urban regeneration processes, urban resilience and the implementation of GIS software to develop functional databases to support spatial planning decisions.




How to Cite

Tiboni, M., Pezzagno, M., Vetturi, D., Alexander, C., & Botticini, F. (2020). Data analysis and mapping for monitoring health risk. What has the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in northern Italy taught us?. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 343–360.



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