Cyclability in Lahore, Pakistan: Looking into Potential for Greener Urban Traveling




Urban transportation planning, sustainable mobility, active transport, cyclability, Pakistan.


Measuring perceived or objective cyclability or bikeability has drawn less attention compared to walkability, particularly in developing countries like those in South Asia and the Middle East. This paper presents the results of a survey about cyclability in Lahore, Pakistan, focusing on human perceptions rather than the built environment. The overall sample included a total of 379 respondents from three socio-economic classes: those from lower socio-economic backgrounds accessing traditional/older bazaars, respondents from the middle socio-economic class accessing uptown bazaars, and respondents of higher socio-economic status accessing pedestrian shopping malls. The exploratory data collection was conducted in spring 2018 in Lahore by means of a short standard questionnaire with 19 questions, resulting in 17 categorical/dummy variables, two open-ended variables, and two continuous variables targeting socio-economics, bike trip characteristics, biking barriers, and preferred travel specifications. The results showed that the middle socio-economic group was more inclined, flexible, and willing to bike compared to the lower and higher socio-economic-groups. The lower socio-economic group used the bicycle more frequently than the middle socio-economic group. Around half of the middle socio-economic group commutes via bike compared to the lower socio-economic group. There was little to no representation of 55-64 and 65+ age groups in the data. The descriptive findings of this survey indicate some preliminary signs of differences of decisions and perceptions about biking compared to high-income and European countries. These differences need to be tested in future statistical analyses.


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Author Biographies

S. Atif Bilal Aslam, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan, Department of City and Regional Planning

Dr. S. Atif Bilal Aslam is Assistant Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. He holds PhD in urban development planning from Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. His main scientific interests include urban planning, urban mobility, sustainable development and international migration.

Houshmand E. Masoumi, Technische Universität Berlin, Center for Technology and Society (ZTG)

Dr. Houshmand E. Masoumi is senior researcher at Center for Technology and Society of Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. His research insterests include statistical modeling of urban travel behavior, land use - transportation interactions, urban sprawl and travel behavior, and the travel behavior analysis of special demographic and age groups.

Muhammad Asim, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan, Department of City and Regional Planning

Dr. Muhammad Asim is an urban and regional planner, PhD in Urban Engineering, assistant professor at the University of Engineering and Technology in City and Regional Planning Department, where he teaches urban land management, Disaster Management and Estate Management. His research interest deal with the study of socio-economic disparities in growing regions, vulnerability assessment and climate change adaptation.

Izza Anwer, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan, Department of Transportation Engineering and Management

Dr. Izza Anwer is transport engineer and is Assistant Professor in the Department of  transportation engineering and management, faculty of Civil engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. She holds a PhD in the field of Intelligent transport system technologies integrated with transport systems and disasters from Institute for transport studies, University of Leeds, UK. Her research interests include Intelligent transport systems, disasters, community building, urban planning, multi-modal transport planning and engineering and multiple data analysis techniques.




How to Cite

Aslam, S. A. B., E. Masoumi, H., Asim, M., & Anwer, I. (2018). Cyclability in Lahore, Pakistan: Looking into Potential for Greener Urban Traveling. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 11(3), 323–343.

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