A random walk down Main Street





Accessibility, Land Use, Pedestrian Environment, Sprawl, Development


US suburbs have often been characterized by their relatively low walk accessibility compared to more urban environments, and US urban environments have been char- acterized by low walk accessibility compared to cities in other countries. Lower overall density in the suburbs implies that activities, if spread out, would have a greater distance between them. But why should activities be spread out instead of developed contiguously? This brief research note builds a positive model for the emergence of contiguous development along “Main Street” to illustrate the trade-offs that result in the built environment we observe. It then suggests some policy interventions to place a “thumb on the scale” to choose which parcels will develop in which sequence to achieve socially preferred outcomes. 


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Author Biography

David Matthew Levinson, University of Minnesota, USA

Professor of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering at the University of Minnesota (USA).


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How to Cite

Levinson, D. M. (2016). A random walk down Main Street. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 9(2), 163–172. https://doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/3914