Sustainable Urban Mobility Towards Smart Mobility: the Case Study of Bari Area, Italy


  • Raffaella Niglio Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II
  • Pier Paolo Comitale Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II



Sustainable Urban Mobility, Smart Mobility, Bari


In the last decades, sustainable mobility policies have seen a growing interest. Furthermore, in the international debate, this concept has increasingly been linked to the most innovative one of smart mobility, which is part of the more general paradigm of Smart City. The primary goal of the work is to make a review of policies, programs, projects for sustainable urban mobility and of smart mobility solutions in Bari area. The second goal is to make an assessment on trends of urban mobility in order to evaluate its sustainability and smartness. A comforting picture, focused on matching the local strategies to European programs, is shown. Finally, a consideration on how the framework “smart” may improve urban mobility planning is proposed.


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Author Biographies

Raffaella Niglio, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II

Architect, she received a master’s degree with honors from the University of Naples Federico II with a thesis in Architectural and Urban Design (project for a sustainable university residence and masterplan for the urban regeneration of a part of the industrial area of Marghera, Venice). She operates in the field of sustainable buildings and environments and since 2014 she works with the Department of Civil , Architectural and Environmental Engineering withinin the research project Smart Energy Master investigating the “smart” performance of the Metropolitan City of Bari.



Pier Paolo Comitale, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Naples Federico II

Engineer, he received a master’s degree in Civil and Transport Engineering from the University of Naples "Federico II" with a thesis on "Mobility Management to support the development of sustainable mobility in urban areas. State of art in Naples". He is currently involved in the research project "Smart Energy Master". His research activity is aimed at drafting guidelines for the implementation of innovative Smart Mobility measures for urban areas, in Italy and in Europe.


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How to Cite

Niglio, R., & Comitale, P. P. (2015). Sustainable Urban Mobility Towards Smart Mobility: the Case Study of Bari Area, Italy. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 8(2), 219–234.



LUME (Land Use, Mobility and Environment)