Co-Creative, Re-Generative Smart Cities. Smart Cities and Planning in a Living Lab Perspective 2


  • Luciano De Bonis University of Molise
  • Grazia Concilio Polytechnic of Milan
  • Eugenio Leanza European Investment Bank
  • Jesse Marsh Atelier Studio Associato
  • Ferdinando Trapani University of Palermo



Urban capital, Immanence, Territorial Living Lab


A particularly mild approach in money supply over three decades at the international level has encouraged the piling up of substantial amounts of debt through urban investment, particularly in less competitive systems . It appears therefore necessary ato elaborate stringent "urban financial statements", through a kind of digital agenda able to provide geo-referenced economic indicators about structure, value and performance of urban capital, and therefore capable to serve as a guide in future allocative choices of the myriad of holders of some stake of the above urban capital. Recognizing the role of such a multiplicity of stakeholders means to radically reconsider the transcendent assumptions of spatial planning in favor of an immanent view of it, also suitable as reference to integrate, in a single digital guidance framework, both the above geo-referenced economic indicators and the expressions (“images”) coming from the stakeholders themselves. But it also means to refer to a model of self-governance of innovation, intended as a socially driven, organic process, embedded in scalable and resilient network ecosystems. This is essentially the mandate of a Territorial Living Lab, for which nevertheless governance is itself a matter for experimentation and innovation, as well of contamination with other models, within the objective of combining capital investments in urban regeneration with the need to attain an effective yield on such investments through diffused and citizen-based ownership of the urban innovation they aim to spark off.


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Author Biographies

Luciano De Bonis, University of Molise

Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at University of Molise, Department of Biosciences and Territory (DiBT), he is head of the departmental Laboratory for Interactive Spatial Planning (LISP) and co-director of the University Master “Planning and promoting the cultural landscape”. He is also doctoral faculty member of the PhD program in Urban and Regional Planning at Sapienza University of Rome. He authored several scientific publications about physical space and planning as mental processes, as media and as virtual environments, and about planning as an activity of co-building of images. On behalf of his university he is currently responsible for creating an international research and action network on territorial co-creativity and for the related relationships with the EIB, European Investment Bank.

Grazia Concilio, Polytechnic of Milan

Researcher in Urban Planning at the Polytechnic of Bari from 2001 up to 2008, she works at the Politecnico di Milano since Nov. 2008. She has been component of several research projects, responsible for a CNR research program (2001) and coordinator of a Regional Operative Program funded project (2007-2008). Her research has mainly developed around the implementation of methodologies and techniques of knowledge representation and management for decision-making in spatial planning. More recently her scientific work has focused on urban innovation processes and Smart cities: she has been responsible for the Politecnico di Milano unit in two European projects, Periphéria and MyNeighbourhood.

Eugenio Leanza, European Investment Bank

Head of Division - JESSICA and Investment Funds (EIB) since 2007. Before joining JESSICA, Eugenio Leanza was Head of Division in the Directorate for Lending Operations in Europe covering operations in Italy, Malta and Cyprus Department and Deputy Head of EIB Banking Sector in the Credit Risk Department. Between 1987 and 1991, he was a specialist in corporate lending, convertible warrants/bonds operations, and industrial groups restructuring at Mediobanca, Milan. He holds an Honours Degree in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan and is a Chartered Accountant

Jesse Marsh, Atelier Studio Associato

Jesse Marsh is an American transplanted to Italy since 1975 working initially in architecture and design, and then in innovation processes based on information and communication technologies, participating in the research teams of over 35 collaborative international projects funded by the European Union. Over the last eight years, he has been an active member of the Living Lab movement, coordinating the Territorial Living Lab TLL-Sicily and appointed Special Advisor to the President of ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs) since 2009. He is also an advisor to the City of Palermo for its Open Data and Smart City strategies and to the Sicilian Region for the role of Social Innovation and Open Data in the regional Digital Agenda and Smart Specialization Strategies 2014-2020.

Ferdinando Trapani, University of Palermo

Professor in Urban Planning at the University of Palermo, Polytechnics School, Department of Architecture. On behalf of his Department he collaborates to several EU projects (Interreg, Med, PSP-CIP-ICT). His scientific work regards in particular the cooperation with regional authorities for Structural Funds, social housing and law simplification, aimed at integrating EU spatial development policy objectives into regional and local planning practice. He coordinates the activities aimed at developing the role of the University of Palermo within the movement of Territorial Living Lab-Sicily, and at promoting such an approach in the context of the EU territorial cooperation projects.


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How to Cite

De Bonis, L., Concilio, G., Leanza, E., Marsh, J., & Trapani, F. (2014). Co-Creative, Re-Generative Smart Cities. Smart Cities and Planning in a Living Lab Perspective 2. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.