Bio-Energy Connectivity And Ecosystem Services. An Assessment by Pandora 3.0 Model for Land Use Decision Making


  • Raffaele Pelorosso DAFNE Department, Tuscia University, Italy
  • Federica Gobattoni DAFNE Department, Tuscia University, Italy
  • Francesco Geri DAFNE Department, Tuscia University, Italy
  • Roberto Monaco DIST, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • Antonio Leone DAFNE Department, Tuscia University, Italy



Landscape connectivity, Urban planning, Environmental Assessment, Environmental modeling


Landscape connectivity is one of the major issues related to biodiversity conservation and to the delivery of Ecosystem Services (ES). Several models were developed to assess landscape connectivity but lack of data and mismatching scale of analysis often represent insurmountable constraints for the correct evaluation and integration of ecological connectivity into plans and assessment procedures. In this paper a procedure for ES assessment related with Habitat and Bio-Energy Landscape Connectivity (BELC) is proposed. The method is based on the connectivity measure furnished by the last version of PANDORA model and uses a modified formulation of current ES evaluation. The implementation of the model in a real case has highlighted its potential multi-scale workability. The spatial approach of the model aims at furnishing a further tool for the spread of ES and landscape ecology concepts into procedures of assessment (e.g. EIA, SEA) and land use planning at different administrative scales.


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Author Biographies

Raffaele Pelorosso, DAFNE Department, Tuscia University, Italy

He is a researcher in Landscape and Urban Planning at the University of Tuscia. He holds a PhD in “Science and Technology for the Forest and Environmental Management” at University of Tuscia. Lecturer in Ecology, Cartography and Planning. His research activity is mainly focused on landscape functionality, urban green, land use planning, analysis of landscape dynamics, land cover and land use change. Associate Editor of International Journal of Sustainable Land Use and Urban Planning. He is authors of more than 50 scientific papers and peer reviewer for many international journals as: Land Use Policy,  Landscape and Urban Planning, Environmental Management, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, Advanced in Space Research, Science of the Total Environment.

Federica Gobattoni, DAFNE Department, Tuscia University, Italy

She has a Master Degree in Environmental Engineering at University of Perugia, PhD in “Science and Technology for the Forest and Environmental Management”, and she’s a post-doctoral researcher at University of Tuscia. Her research activity is mainly concerned with landscape dynamics, environmental modeling in GIS environment, decision support systems for planning and management of natural resources, development of mathematical models for landscape evolution and equilibrium scenarios assessment. She was Convener of the “Landscape functionality and conservation management” session at European Geosciences Union General Assembly of 2010, 2011 and 2012. She is peer reviewer for many international journals as: Journal of Water and Climate, Ecological Complexity, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Earth Science Informatics.

Francesco Geri, DAFNE Department, Tuscia University, Italy

He is graduated in Natural Science with a Ph.D in Environmental Science and Technology. He was lecturer in Landscape Ecology, Thematic Cartography and in Geographic Information Systems. Authors of several scientific papers in landscape ecology, remote sensing and geographical information science. He's also reviewer of international scientific journals such as Landscape and Urban Planning, Ecological Indicators, International Journal of Geo-Information, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, Remote Sensing, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. He's a GIS analyst with experience in statistical data processing and an expert GIS and web programmer through the use of different programming language such as Python, PHP, Javascript etc.

Roberto Monaco, DIST, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

He is full professor of Mathematics at the Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning at Politecnico of Torino. His research activity is focused on mathematical models in applied sciences, in particular in fluid dynamics and regional sciences. He is author of more of 130 papers, of several books and Editor of Proceedings of many international conferences. He has promoted and is the director of an international summer school in Models and Methods of Kinetic Theory. He is peer reviewer of several mathematical journals, as those of IOP (Inst. of Phys.), Phys. of Fluids and Acta Appl. Mat. 

Antonio Leone, DAFNE Department, Tuscia University, Italy

Full professor of Land Engineering at University of Tuscia, Industrial Engineering course. Member of the Teaching College PhD “Land and Urban Planning” at Politecnico di Bari and “Environment and landscape design and planning” at Sapienza University of Rome. Participant and responsible in several projects financed by the European Union within 5th Framework Programme, Interreg IIIB Research Program, COST-actions, LIFE programme and other national and regional research programs (e.g. Nature 2000 sites). Member of Scientific International Committee for Metropolitan Strategic Master Plan “Terra di Bari”. Member of Scientific Committee for University Consortium for Socio-economic and Environment Research (CURSA). Author of more than 100 scientific papers in the area of landscape and environmental planning.


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How to Cite

Pelorosso, R., Gobattoni, F., Geri, F., Monaco, R., & Leone, A. (2014). Bio-Energy Connectivity And Ecosystem Services. An Assessment by Pandora 3.0 Model for Land Use Decision Making. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.