Spatial Perception and Cognition Review. Considering Geotechnologies as Urban Planning Strategy


  • Júnia Borges Laboratório de Geoprocessamento – Escola de Arquitetura – UFMG – Belo Horizonte, BR
  • Camila Zyngier Laboratório de Geoprocessamento – Escola de Arquitetura – UFMG – Belo Horizonte, BR
  • Karen Lourenço Laboratório de Geoprocessamento – Escola de Arquitetura – UFMG – Belo Horizonte, BR
  • Jonatha Santos Laboratório de Geoprocessamento – Escola de Arquitetura – UFMG – Belo Horizonte, BR



Perception, Cognition, Spatial Analysis, Geographic Information Systems


This article proposes a review of the spatial cognition and perception principles, referring to the definition proposed by Cullen and Lynch, through the geotechnology tools. It presents a case study to be analyzed through Geographical Information Systems (GIS), 3D Modeling, Spatial Analysis and Data Base Structure. This proposition presents reflections about the concepts and values of the early foundations of the spatial perception and cognition theories as a base to promote participative planning, investigating how geotechnologies can favor the registration and identification of landscape values to be considered in urban planning. The downtown of Belo Horizonte (Brazil) was defined as a case study to promote the exercise of these reflections, aiming to present a practical illustration of the methodological proposition. This work tried to reach its purpose inquiring how geotechnologies could enhance knowledge gain in the Urban Planning practice. It points out some research paths that could be followed, as well as new approaches to the development of academic understanding of the geotechnologies role in the urban planning scenario.


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Author Biographies

Júnia Borges, Laboratório de Geoprocessamento – Escola de Arquitetura – UFMG – Belo Horizonte, BR

PhD student in Architecture and Urbanism at Federal University of Minas Gerais, UFMG, Master in Analysis and Modeling Environmental Systems (UFMG, 2011), GIS specialist (UFMG, 2007), Tourism and Sustainable Development specialist (UFMG, 2005), Bachelor in Tourism (Newton Paiva University Center, 2003). Has experience in Environmental, GIS and Tourism with emphasis on planning, acting on the following topics: environmental and socioeconomic studies, environmental modeling and mapping, collaborative mapping (VGI - Volunteer Geographic Information), sustainable development, tourism planning, tourism carrying capacity and public use at conservation areas.

Camila Zyngier, Laboratório de Geoprocessamento – Escola de Arquitetura – UFMG – Belo Horizonte, BR

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism, Master Degree in Architecture and Urbanism, and is a Ph.D. student at the School of Architecture of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Has experience in GIS applications for Urban Analysis and Urban Planning. Currently is teaching at Methodist Institute Izabela Hendrix, school of Architecture and Urban Planning. She is a member of the Project “Parametric Modeling of Territorial Occupation: proposal of new resources of geo-technologies to represent and plan the urban territory”, with the support of CNPq – National Council for the Scientific and Technological Development - Call MCTI/CNPq/MEC/CAPES Nº 43/2013, Process: 405664/2013-3. Since 2010 the author works in her Architectural Office.

Karen Lourenço, Laboratório de Geoprocessamento – Escola de Arquitetura – UFMG – Belo Horizonte, BR

Graduate student in Architecture and Urbanism at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG/Brazil) since 2012. Participated in the project “Cadastro Territorial Multifinalitário para a Mesorregião Central Mineira e Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/PROEXT-MC 2013” (Land Register Multifinalitário to the Mesoregion Central Mining and Belo Horizonte Metropolitan), as an instructor in training course in Geoprocessing and developed research activities and publication of works in national events. Currently Scholarship Owner of “Programa de Inovação e Qualidade no Ensino de Graduação” (Program of innovation and Quality in Graduate Education), working in the projects “Modelagem Paramétrica da Ocupação Territorial” (Parametric Modeling of Territorial Occupation) and “Análise Espacial” (Spatial Analysis) of the Geoprocessing Laboratory of Architecture School, in activities of monitoring and research in the areas of Education and Urban Planning.

Jonatha Santos, Laboratório de Geoprocessamento – Escola de Arquitetura – UFMG – Belo Horizonte, BR

Graduate student in Architecture and Urbanism at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG/Brazil) since 2012. Participated in the project “Cadastro Territorial Multifinalitário para a Mesorregião Central Mineira e Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/PROEXT-MC 2013” (Land Register Multifinalitário to the Mesoregion Central Mining and Belo Horizonte Metropolitan), as an instructor in training course in Geoprocessing and developed research activities and publication of works in national events.


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How to Cite

Borges, J., Zyngier, C., Lourenço, K., & Santos, J. (2014). Spatial Perception and Cognition Review. Considering Geotechnologies as Urban Planning Strategy. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.