Marginality Phenomena and New Uses on the Agricultural Land. Diachronic and Spatial Analyses of the Molise Coastal Area


  • Donatella Cialdea University of Molise Laboratoy
  • Luigi Mastronardi University of Molise Laboratoy



Rural Land, Marginality, Landscape, AgricultureArgiolas, A., Cannata, G. (1989), “Molise”, in Cannata G. (ed.), I sistemi agricoli territoriali italiani, FrancoAngeli, Milano. Cannata, G., Forleo, M. (eds.) (1998), I sistemi agricoli territoriali delle re


This paper analyzes the evolution of land use in the Molise Region. The attention is focused on the changes that occurred primarily on the rural area of the coastal area in this Region.  The presence of urban centers of limited dimension, both for the demographic performance and for the dimensional order, is the main characteristic of this area. The historic part of rural tradition, at the same time, no longer emerges as a primary component of the regional landscape. This trend is particularly evident in the coastal zone, which is analyzed in this work not only in the range of areas that directly bordering the Adriatic Sea, but also in its pre-coastal zone, which remains imprinted on a matrix rural, but suffering from marginalization phenomena


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Author Biographies

Donatella Cialdea, University of Molise Laboratoy

Full Professor (Urban Planning) at the University of Molise since 1988. Actually she is a President of the Civil Engineering Course, already Dean of the Faculty of Engineering from 2009 to 2012. She is the Director of the Laboratory L.A.Co.S.T.A. (Laboratory for activities relating to the Territorial Development and Environment) at the University of Molise in order to prepare students and operators in the Geographical Information Systems field). She is the Coordinator of the PhD Course in "Landscape Analysis and Valorisation" at the University of Molise, based consortium with the University of Sassari, from the cycle XX. She was the Scientific Coordinator of the International Master Level I Pro.D.U.C.T.I.V.E. Coast (Proposal for the Development of Urban and Coastal Territory in relation to the Value of the Environment), aimed at the technical-scientific training of a specific professional figure - the Selective Interpreter of Territorial Data).

Luigi Mastronardi, University of Molise Laboratoy

Professor of “Environmental Economics” in the Department of Biosciences and Territory, University of Molise (Italy). He is graduated in Economic and Social Sciences in with specialization in Agro-Business Economics. He has achieved the PhD in Agricultural Economics and Policy. Main areas of scientific interest include sustainable tourism regarding agri-tourism and rural tourism, agricultural economics (rural policy, organic farming, agricultural landscapes, short food supply chain) and environmental economics (protected areas, sustainable rural development, environmental policy, rural development analysis regarding public expenditure).


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How to Cite

Cialdea, D., & Mastronardi, L. (2014). Marginality Phenomena and New Uses on the Agricultural Land. Diachronic and Spatial Analyses of the Molise Coastal Area. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.

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