Geodesign from Theory to Practice: From Metaplanning to 2nd Generation of Planning Support Systems


  • Michele Campagna Università di Cagliari, DICAAR



Geodesign, , Metaplanning, Planning Support Systems, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Urban and Regional Planning


This paper deals with the concept of Geodesign, a new approach to spatial planning and design which is grounded on extensive use of Geographic Information Science methods and tools. As a method Geodesign is intended to inform projects since their conceptualization, to analysis and diagnosis, to design of alternatives and impact simulation, and eventually the final choice. This approach appears particularly urgent and actual to many scholars from academia and practitioners from the industry and the planning practice for advances in GIScience nowadays offer unprecedented data and tools to manage territorial knowledge for decision-making support. The author argues research in Geodesign may contribute to solve major actual pitfalls in sustainable spatial planning: namely it may offer methods to help planners to inform sustainable design alternatives with environmental considerations and contextually assess their impacts; secondly, it may help to ensure more transparent, responsible, and accountable democratic decision-making processes. The argumentation is supported by the author recent research results with regards to the evolution from 1st generation Planning Support Systems (PSS), to metaplanning and 2nd generation PSS.


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Author Biography

Michele Campagna, Università di Cagliari, DICAAR

Michele, PhD in Land Engineering (University of Cagliari, 2003) is adjunct professor of Spatial Planning and GIScience at the University of Cagliari. His actual research interests deal with the Scientific Method in Planning, Metaplanning, Planning Support Systems (PSS), Social Media Geographic Information in planning and Geodesign. He authored over sixty publications, and he is editor of the volume GIS for Sustainable Development published by CRC-Press/Taylor and Francis Group in 2006. In 2011 he directed the International Summer School on Information and Communication Technology in Spatial Planning “INFOPLAN”.


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How to Cite

Campagna, M. (2014). Geodesign from Theory to Practice: From Metaplanning to 2nd Generation of Planning Support Systems. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.